Update Log

All dates are formatted dd/mm/yyyy


Added: 'Web museums, guides, images' tab


Worked on: Visuals
Added: A button for linking back!
Planning on making an animated one once I get home.
Changed: Updated the formatting of the 'Art resources' page,
As well as re-moderated and removed a few websites I did not see fit.
All 30 minutes before my biology final... ^_^"


Worked on: General Functionality
Added: Columned the pages as 'website link + description' // 'category' for easier search based on category.
Warnings will stay along website link + description. So far, it is only on the 'Wikis, databases, archives' page.
I chose for the column to be on the right as of now, this is subject to change.


Worked on: 'Wikis, databases, archives' tab
Added: Bold highlights to every link with a category for easier search.
Changed: Used a br tag instead of a p for each link. While it does feel crammed, I feel like it looks more organized.
